Thursday, November 30, 2006

"Afraid So" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont

When reading this poem I was overcome with a sense of a depressing tone and mood. The poem is composed of questions, which "afraid so" can be the answers to them all. The questions remind me of questions everyone asks, and knows the answers to, but still asks them anyway, hoping for a different answer than what they already know.

In that sense, it's almost like setting yourself up for dissapointment when you find out the real answer you knew all along. But the feeling of hope drives you to ask for something better. I've found myself in this position a lot lately. Always asking the questions you already know the answers to and getting different answers, but knowing the truth. I guess I'm not making much sense here, so I'll stop rambling.

Even though the poem had a depressing undertone, I really liked it. I've never seen a poem written entirely in questions and it was interesting to see something new.

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